Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Relevent Stuff!

So I forgot that I should be working on stuff that is relevant to like. THE ACTUAL STORY. HAHA.

So the main things which need work are:
-Physical design of settings
-Main striking differences between Emesa and Desis
-Stuff having to do with food and food transport and preparation etc because that will probably help me figure out how the heck the culprit country did the thing they did.
-Pottery stuff

Okay so

Here's what I wrote about the Desis country character I was going to make.
Secretive, gets defensive when people are nosy (my business is my business)
Outwardly very friendly and colorful
Determined to be well-thought-of
Air of self-reliance

Emesa is south of Kareha so it's like... Kareha's ... Italy... if Kareha were Germany... Emesa is probably where everybody in Kareha goes when they want to be warmer. Lawl. So it's like a less snooty Kareha, and yet a lot of important people are there so it has a high-class feel? Maybe Emesa is like where a lot of international meetings take place. I'm thinking like its cities are like california cities where you could run into famous people but mostly it's just normal people being all lively and stuff. Touristy in a cal sort of way? Maybe?

Yes, touristy. Good.

Desis is not touristy. It does not want tourists. I mean, sure, people can come, but they want to know what they're doing, if there's going to be a lot of them. Because they don't want anyone offending the Seorim or upsetting the delicate balance they have there. So, it welcomes people when they come, and tries to be very hospitable, to show they're the good guys, but they keep an eye on their guests and try to show their best side, show that they're not just Seorim puppets.... they've got a lot more anxiety than Emesa, about how they're seen.

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