Thursday, January 3, 2013

Makeup use and androgyny

What is makeup used for?

Something I need to always remember is that not only can females have what earth considers masculine traits but males and generats can have what earth considers sort of feminine traits and this includes styles of clothing and hair and so on. So, if one gender uses makeup, all of them should. We know the Seorim uses makeup. Just think, Isorin could technically wear a pink dress-like thing and have his hair put up in clips and have makeup on for a formal event. And it would be normal. And he wouldn't think it was abnormal unless he just doesn't like formal clothing. Although there could be more than one type of formal clothing for sure, but I doubt it would be assigned to any gender.

So is that sort of thing the general standard for formal occasions? Is makeup expected or optional? Probably it just depends on the outfit you're wearing, your general look, etc...

Does Isorin wear makeup, or does that still connote a sort of wish to attract a mate, and so he tries not to look -too- nice except on special occasions? I think that would be best.

Okay it's official, we need to have a scene where they're all in makeup and Isorin is mostly oblivious and Amiata notices him. This can lead into the possibly-leaving scene later with Amiata : ( She'll be like oh you didn't notice me at all gee thanks and he'll be like well I don't notice anyone and it's not like I don't think you're pretty when I think about it but I have to think about it first lawl and it has nothing to do with my feelings for you as a friend... and she'll be all confused.

Palamo definitely wore makeup.

Earrings were used in ancient greece as payment for passage into the afterlife. Later in England (like 1500s) sailors wore one ear pierced to show they had sailed across the equator....

What do earrings mean on Tiraseh? Bracelets obviously mean one thing (parthy). Necklaces might mean different things in different places... as might Earrings.

If people wear watches they wouldn't be on their wrists. Probably carry pocket watches or something.

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