Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Public Performers?

If Tirasians don't like having music in public, there would never be street musicians, but what about other public performers? People could do skits, acrobatics type stuff (which could be anything from backflips to juggling), illusions/magic, dances...?

Pantomimus was the original masked dancer of ancient greece so tirasians could have miming (they could even if this weren't true)

But would they have public performers, or would they want such things to be restricted to more private venues as well such as a theater? Maybe it varies from nation to nation. Probably corresponds with how much of a "everything in its place" mentality the people have.

Also, how long was it from when they first arrived on the planet to when they felt free to explore the arts because there was not such an all-consuming need to find foods, medicines, shelters, etc? When was the first great creative blossoming and when was the latest one?

How are the arts thought of in tirasian society today? Are they seen as unnecessary or are they recognized as a part of a healthy society and thus encouraged as a career path for those who show aptitude? Is it something one must pursue voluntarily, not expecting compensation?

Are sports given much attention as a professional endeavor or is it just relegated to the area of "play" which is its own compensation?

Maybe for today's writing, write something from the POV of an artist?

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