Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I think that competition would not be openly valued as much in most countries because with competition comes waste of resources and a destabilizing of the current flow of resources. But is this too simplistic? We are pretty interdependent on Earth but we don't really act like there are limited resources, or if we do it's in a "grab it while you can" sort of way. I think that Tiraseh, because it was fairly obvious from the get-go that getting food etc would be very difficult without cooperation... I think people are much more aware of the impact of their consumption.

What is the balance of power and how do the few countries who try to be fairly self-sufficient get away with it? Is it just that everyone else leaves them alone unless they think they're getting an unfair share of stuff?

So I imagine that a young tirasian is instilled from early on with guilt for taking too much of anything. I may be biased in this opinion because that's how I experienced being in a large family with very little to go around. Other people are sometimes surprised that this didn't make me more demanding so my voice would be heard over the squabble. So I suppose it could go the other way too--it being a given that you have to hash it out aggressively with each other to figure out the pecking order. But as I said, in the case of nations, fighting wastes a lot of resources

Maybe there have been periods in history where people forgot and went to war and it was extremely devastating in the aftermath with like people dying of starvation etc so people have been really careful since then to try and talk things out until absolutely not possible anymore, and this might get to an extreme where they just don't bother some of the more stubborn nations even unless truly necessary...

So, I imagine conflicts are supposed to be resolved through offering the offending party something to smooth things over, a lot... or just reminding one another of how dependent you are... what you need from each other... establishing roughly equal exchanges of different things. And this can sometimes be called blackmail *lawl* if you do this, I won't give you ___ anymore, things like that.

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